Calling all Students of Creation

Murray Grimston
11 min readJan 28, 2020

Why do we exist? What is our purpose? What is your purpose?

Image courtesy of Brittany @ Flikr and Kooworld

Let’s not shy away from the big questions in life.

  • Why do we exist?
  • What is our purpose?
  • What is your purpose?

This will be my very first contribution to Medium and I will see how it goes.

Many of us have information to share.

Information is light.

Light has a resonance and intensity that attracts and repels. It is always your personal choice.

Why do we exist?

Imagine Omnipresence where all is known, and nothing exists beyond that.

Imagine a representation of this Omnipresence as white.

Everything white.

One would not recognise Black for Black does not exist, Only White, yet even White is unknown to itself.

Once introduced to Black, White would at last become known and so on and so forth through the spectrum of colors where each color is dependent on its counterpart for it to be known.

Put another way: We don’t know what we don’t know.

We are curious to know truth.

Knowing and intellectualizing truth are two different things.

What is truth?

Intellectualization demands that the only truth is that which can be proved or measured.

Just because something cannot be proven does not mean it isn’t true.

Does life go on after our physical death?

It has yet to be proven but so many people will tell you their truth about that.

From experience one learns and from the counterparts of experience one knows.

The realization of true White is a balanced knowing of its true Black counterpart.

We exist to experience ourselves; every part of ourselves.

This includes both what we prefer and what we don’t prefer.

What is our purpose?

Have you ever heard this answer below to the question above?


This makes more sense when you accept that we exist to experience every part of ourselves.

There remains however, the question of personal value fulfilment.

If we exist to experience light then let’s do so for a purpose that makes us happy.

The challenge becomes what purpose will bring me happiness or value fulfilment?

If you struggle to define your purpose then please know that it is perfectly logical that you should be struggling to understand your personal purpose.

This is why:

In our experience we seek to understand what we like or dislike. We do this constantly.

Everything we see, touch, feel, hear and taste is light, and light is information.

Our world is in the constant motion of endless change for which meditation is a highly valuable counterpoint practice.

Image courtesy of Peter Miller @ Flikr

The sport of Curling has as its focus a Tee, or Button of considerable weight which is propelled across ice with the intention of coming to rest within the 4-meter target known as ‘The House’.

The Button is propelled forward along the ice.

Team members collaborate to manage the momentum of the Button using a brush or broom, sweeping the ice immediately in front of the Button to influence its strategic resting place within The House.

This ‘Button’ could be compared to our own existence into the world.

We navigate the path through our own lives just like the brush ahead of the button.

This sweeping can be compared to our ceaseless assessment of like and dislike, otherwise defined as judgement.

What is your purpose?

This is a question of energy.

All of us have access to a consistent and constant flow of energy which literally powers our being.

Divine energy.

This ceaseless flow of equivalently distributed energy is available at our own discretion to be used in pursuit of our own personal value fulfilment.

The energy available to us; all in equal proportion; ceaselessly replenished, allows us all to live our purpose right now.

As previously stated, we exist to experience ourselves.

Every part of ourselves.

Through our experience of contrast within this world of opposites we come to understand what we prefer.

We come to understand our personal preference.

These preferences become known to us by recognition of the existence of its counterpart. In other words, what we don’t like.

Most of us seek to be ceaselessly living that which we prefer.

When we see preference as experience exclusively of the ‘external’ or intellectualized world we feel compelled to compete for this energy with others.

Divine energy is therefore misunderstood to be finite.

Every living thing has access to energy equally.

The full potential of this energy becomes blocked to varying degrees by suppressed emotional baggage.

These blockages are caused by our free will choice to suppress the corresponding emotional charge associated with our experience of what we do not prefer.

Instead we may choose to keep the emotion buried and deny our experience of it.

By doing so we deny our own existence.

Image courtesy of Rob Smits @ Flikr

Money is an energy medium and surrounds so many of these emotional blockages with respect to one’s personal relationship with money.

When we experience a deficit of money we feel a depletion of energy and when we experience net inflow of money we feel a boost in energy.

Put another way, making money makes us feel good and feeling irresponsible with money makes us feel bad.

Positive energy feels good. Experiencing that which we prefer feels good. But for how long? Energy is in constant motion. It is folly to seek to hoard it.

To be ceaselessly preferring one must know the opposite.

Living from ceaseless preference therefore requires ceaseless awareness of what is not preferred.

The pursuit of ceaseless preference as our personal purpose in life may turn us into Energy Pirates.

Energy Pirates

Image courtesy of Claire @ Flikr

A hungry group surrounds a table of food sufficient to feed all. Some compete with others to access the food.

They take more than they need.

This personal surplus of food is taken in competition with others around the table and held to deprive these ‘others’ of it.

Energy Pirates work in a similar way. Not satisfied with the energy they have access to in equal measure with all living things, they believe and so choose a purpose that calls them to ‘steal’ energy from others.

The act of stealing energy through competition where one wins, and one loses feels good to the winner.

Being an Energy Pirate can become a way of life.

Pirates are known for plundering treasure and burying it in a location that only a select Pirate hierarchy know.

Such an obscure place that the Treasure Maps to guide its recovery must themselves be hidden and written in code.

Energy Pirates store wealth; like money and typically rely on a complex hierarchical web to ‘outsource’ their pirate endeavors while at the same time protecting themselves from betrayal through complex webs of personal indebtedness.

The thirst of Energy Pirates for energy can be compared to the drug addicts’ high.

The first ‘rush’ of the hunt and subsequent victory is a ‘fix’ that is exhilarating and intensely addictive.

While the energy depletion associated with its losing counterpart is correspondingly painful.

Each other ‘fix’, never matches the juice of the first and in no time the dependency takes hold.

The more intense the desire to re-live the first high the more intense is the manifestation of its least desirable counterpart for which its validity depends.

In other words the more one has to lose.

Divine energy is meant to be in constant flow. It is not meant to be stored; it is meant to be experienced.

Energy Pirates believe vehemently in the concept of finite resources which can be intellectualized, proved and measured.

Energy Pirates trust only themselves as an independent identity or empire.

The radiance and degree of satisfaction of this pirated energy is in direct proportion to the degree to which the stolen energy was freely offered by others.

Other’s who do not yet appreciate the sanctity of their free will.

What Energy Pirates lack is the courage to look inside themselves and face the truth of their own emotional baggage which blocks and distorts their own access to the ever-present energy source.

Restoring energy flow

image courtesy of Jim Blamire @ Flickr

The constantly replenished energy flow which is shared equally by us all becomes blocked by past emotional trauma.

We have all experienced emotional trauma.

It is impossible to definitively prefer any experience without being aware of its counterpart and so appreciating what’s at stake.

Experiencing positive energy makes us feel good.

When the only source of positive energy is seen to be that which can be intellectualized and measured (like wealth) we conclude that ‘survival of the fittest’ is the only way to access it.

Fear and its counterpart called safety become constant companions.

It is beholden upon those of us who just don’t feel right stealing energy from others to consider an alternative source.

Within our own self is all the energy we could ever need to enable us to live our purpose and move closer to ceaselessly experiencing that which we prefer.

Divine energy is love.

We tend to think of the experience of love to be exclusively positive.

Yet love is love.

Love is both positive, negative and everything in between.

It is our own choice as to which experience of love we prefer to be.

Just like the debate around climate change and its relationship to the material energy we use, Divine Energy is also renewable.

When we seek access to more Devine Energy from the natural resource which is your own self we begin to recognise the significance and sanctity of our free-will.

To access more energy our challenge is to focus and prioritise clearing of our emotional baggage.

This is not difficult, but it is painful.

The intensity of the pain or emotional turmoil is like the feeling a male has when he is hit in the groin.

image courtesy of virtua files @ Flikr

When a man is hit in the groin there is a brief moment of realization of what has just occurred.

A fleeting moment of nothing, of dread that an intense and unbearable pain is about to commence.

While I would not know I understand the process might be similar to the pain mothers feel between contractions.

The intensity of this pain, for what in reality is a brief period, is of a magnitude impossible to describe.

So unbearable that in the moment no relief seems accessible.

Then; just as the feeling of panic gives way to hopelessness there arises a glimpse of awareness that suggests this excruciating pain may be subsiding.

Then more awareness of relief, then more until the pain has gone and only an echo of its intensity is left.

Suppressed emotions, when released follow a comparable process.

A moment of expectation when the emotional pain is triggered followed by a reaction of anger, despair, fear or worthlessness.

I would not know any man who, given the ‘in the moment’ choice of either experiencing groin pain or suppressing it that would not decide to suppress the pain.

But; if this choice came with a caveat…

This caveat being that you cannot deny or suppress this pain forever.

At some point.

At some point you must experience it.

What then?

This is the personal free-will choice we all have to experience our own emotional pain.

We can choose to suppress or deny it, but we can never defer it.

Not only this but the longer you deny or suppress it the more intense the experience of its release.

When confronted by emotional triggers we invariably choose what we see as ‘safer’ options.

We might choose to eat it away.

Booze it away.

TV or Netflix it away.

Dope it away.

Workaholic it away.

We can even choose to medicate the emotional pain away.

Each time we do the pain stagnates to rise again ever stronger and our access to divine energy remains blocked.

Energy Pirates are constantly recruiting but there awaits an alternative for those with courage.

The Long Night of the Soul

image courtesy of Herve’ Simon @ Flikr

The Long Night of the Soul is a term used to describe the environment for release of suppressed emotions and the consequential healing of energy pathways that, when clear, offer the true potential of the energy we all share.

Unlike the voyages of Pirates across the Seven Seas, one needs only (but not easily) to release our own sea of suppressed emotion.

Just like the groin pain, relief waits on the opposite shore.

I remind you we exist to experience ourselves.

Every part of ourselves.

One who chooses to surrender to experience emotional pain and release the caveat must proportionally endure the Long Night of the Soul.

During the Long Night of the Soul there are no Pirate Ships to shelter in while traveling through our emotional sea.

We should expect to be completely exposed and literally at the mercy of cyclonic winds, fierce currents and massive waves within our personal sea of suppressed emotion now released.

If we remain truly committed to our journey we will seek no refuge, no safe harbor.

We will recognise that refuge and safe harbors are not the point.

Instead we will lean into the pain just as a yachts person would lean into the wind.

Just when the struggle seems to have no end we catch a glimpse of white caps.

Of waves crashing on a shore.

The shore that represents the ‘other side’ of the emotional pain.

In that moment we recognise the purpose of our journey.

Awareness of relief manifests as acceptance of the emotional pain.

We tune in and confirm the relief we feel.

Our awareness of Source Energy’s flow, now less obstructed grows, and we find ourselves riding the waves of our emotional sea to the shore.

We understand we are safe.

In spite of everything that happened to us during that long night.

The crying, the fever, the anger, the blame of others, the worry, the guilt, the shame and even the fear of unknown consequences related to just how to face a new day with literally no sleep.

We emerge from this long night feeling love.

Love for our own self.

We feel safer.

Energized by the experience itself, and by the realization of energy’s infinite source and flow.

There are no words to adequately describe this feeling.

Unlike the drug addict’s high, pursuit of emotional acceptance leads to an ever-increasing intensity of energy flow that must be experienced to be known.

The more emotional baggage you let go the greater the high.

Energy Pirates are not brave enough to endure the Long Night of the Soul.

All of the energy they steal comes with caveats.

The storage of this stolen energy intensifies its charge.

There will be no victory march to the ‘X’ on the treasure map.

No kindred spirits.

No-one to share with.

Energy Pirates choose not to heal and so must rely on stealing energy from others.

They take their ships to pillage ‘across’ the finite material world, when all the time the treasure they seek is inside us all, longing for release.

Within our own self is all the energy we could ever need to enable us to live our purpose and move closer to ceaselessly experiencing that which we prefer.

